Sunday, December 13, 2009

Spy Kitties

I took a picture of my cat and I cropped her eye. It freaked out Mom. Missy gets aggravated when I take lots of pictures of her. I had to wake her up to get these pictures, she wasn't too happy about that! Missy sleeps so much.
These are other pictures of Missy that I took and I customized these with a computer program.

The top is pink/orange/yellow/green/purple/pinkish/purplish/orangery/yellowy.
The top is blue/gray/brown/purple/white and the bottom is pink/purple/hot pink/very hot pink/green/orange/black.
This one is blue/gray/black/white/green/grayish blueish greenish purplish pinkish.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mostly Cricut

We made a bag.
This is also the bag.

Still the bag.
Still the bag.

It says, "A grandmother pretends she doesn't know who you are on Halloween." by Erma Bombeck.

These are Mom's she's been cutting them out like crazy.

This is Mom's Cricut.
It says, "Everyday paper dolls/(in Spanish)Poupees de Papier de Tous les Temps".

That is inside of my mouth.
This is the stick that I scared the calico cat with.

That is our fan.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


"I am waiting and waiting and waiting, oh just open the door."
Isn't it pretty?
Hey, hey, hey, I wasn't finished with that!
"Meow, I want those."

The wondering around cat named Missy

Missy is walking to the kitchen.
Missy is staring at the wall for no good reason.
"Flash, turn that flash off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
This is Missy's bed she got it for Christmas and she tore it up by kneading on it.
"P/U, what's that smell?"
She looks like a stuffed kitten.

"Maybe if I sniff the door it will open."
See, I told you, see how bad her bed is?

Cute little toys